Trade Routes Introduced

Day 1,219, 05:11 Published in Ireland USA by Stranger Here Myself
BREAKING NEWS: Trading Routes Introduced

Trading Routes Introduced

Without any further notice an important modification to the game engine has been introduce😛 regions with raw materials unconnected (i.e. not connected through a link of neighbouring regions hold by the same country) to the capital will not be available. The new "Trade Route" rule applies to original regions too.


About one and a half hour ago Plato announced the implementation of the new trade route system on the official eRepublik forum:

"Starting today, your country will need transport routes for the regions located far away from your motherland. What does this mean exactly? It means that all your regions will have to be connected to the CAPITAL of your country in order to provide the productivity bonuses. Isolated regions will no longer provide any bonus. The above improvement opens a new era of strategical warfare. "

Original Russian territory Kaliningrad that had been disconnected from Russian mainlands as default has been made neighbouring Leningrad Oblast. Other original territories disconnected from their capital region due to occupation, and unconnected occupied territories are labelled "No direct transport route to the capital" from now on.

Eire Aonair
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