Top 6 Questions I get asked by my many invites

Day 641, 22:26 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta
This game is so complicated! How do I play it?

When you first joined the game, you should go over to the tutorial article in the eRepublik wikipedia ( In fact, the eRepublik wikipedia is the place to go to explore and grasp the game (

How can I gain EP (experience points) faster?

Basically, you should do 3 things EVERYDAY. Work, eat (buy food from the market place), and train. That gives you 3EP everyday. When you reach level 5, you can fight, and every fight gives you 2 experience point. You should also upload an avataar. In fact, you should do everything on this list - when you first join.

I have lots of Gold but no MYR. How do I get more MYR?
Go to the market tab (the one in the middle) and choose Monetary Market. There, you can change your Gold into MYR, MYR into Gold, or pretty much any currency into any currency.

Why can't I fight?
You can experience the joys of fighting when you reach level 5.

I healed once today, but I can't use the hospital again!
You can only use the hospital once everyday, and ONLY if you have fought. Each 'fight' takes away 10 wellness, while the Q5 hospital in Peninsula Malaysia gives you 50 wellness when you heal. So use your fights and heals wisely.

Why is Philipines so stupid? They keep attacking us and failing!
We are having mock simulation 'war games', so Philipines aren't actually invading us.