Top 5 Parties: The FEC

Day 1,041, 12:54 Published in USA USA by Fionia

The current system of the Federal Election Commission was adopted by congress in April of this year as a system to help ensure the security of our congressional elections. We, the current top 5 Party Presidents, are concerned that the current system needs revision to continue secure elections, and we have serious doubts about the FEC’s ability to make this happen. We have several complaints as well as recommendations for the future of the FEC.

We admit that parties can do more for finding blockers, it is a developing situation and we are always working on it. This month in particular our coordination and communication improved drastically. Despite competing with each other we worked hard to function as a team when finding blockers. We began learning each other blocker situations on the 16th, after our elections, and were able to move spare blockers quickly and accurately. We will continue to better our own systems; we’re presenting this issue because we want the entire system to improve, and believe that currently the FEC is the weakest link in the process.

We are in no way worried about our own prestige in this argument. We acknowledge that parties need help finding blockers, and we absolutely admit we will take help from anywhere, including the military. We don’t pretend that we’re able to do this monthly all on our own. We communicate closely every month, and every party looks to the national interest. Our concern is PTO defense, and we’re worried that we are only becoming more and more vulnerable while Phoenix continues to get better in its PTO attacks.

Our Complaints:
Strategy for finding blockers is troublesome

* The FEC begins asking for blockers late in the month. We will start as early as the 7th; the FEC usually begins on the 23rd.
* The FEC doesn’t draw on military members who have American citizenship and would be happy to help until late in the month.
* The FEC has difficulty finding enough blockers every month, and sometimes has to pull from our foreign ATO forces.

Communication is Lacking

* Parties are never asked about our blocker situation until late in the month.
* FEC newspapers articles seem to feature mainly half-naked women. Pertinent information on how to block, where to sign up for it, and other ATO details are usually missing.
* An article asking people to join #ato and help block for the September elections was not published until 20:00 on the 23rd from the FEC newspaper.

Other Issues

* We have always tried to do our best with the FEC, but the fact is we never personally gave our consent to be governed by it. We would like a voice in its operation, and feel we have a right to a voice due to our in game powers.
* The FEC seems to be very poorly coordinated at times, and has in one occasion taken a blocker from a top 5 and declared that blocker to be a “FEC blocker”
* On one occasion, an FEC blocker failed to show and the FEC had no back-up available; Ajay Bruno won a congress seat as a result.
* Soldiers are often told they cannot block for anyone but Rod Damon. Damon has no in-game power, and does not attempt to keep up to date on the nation’s blocker situation, as opposed to PPs who know exactly what needs to be happening.
* FEC staff often tries to give orders without context or recognition that game mechanics do not require us to obey in any way. The FEC should be a tool to be used by the parties to help stop PTOs, not a controlling body that treats the parties like children.

The top 5 coordinated the movements of over 200 blockers and candidates these past elections/ In the September 25th elections, we began to search for blockers as early as the 7th of the month, and continued to grow the pool of blockers up through the 23rd. We maintained close communication, and blockers moved between parties as was needed. We have decided on what we would like to see from the FEC, and what needs to be done to keep elections safe.

Our Recommendations:

* Fire Rod Damon
* Discuss a replacement with the PPs of the top 5
* Require a sign off from the top 5 on who runs the FEC
* Mandate that the FEC must begin looking for its own pool at least by the 17th
* Encourage the military to discontinue barring soldiers from blocking for parties directly.

Our interest is in a working FEC. This month was frustrating. We should not be begging for more blockers as late as the 23rd. Each party does its best to keep the country safe; we ask the same of the FEC. We believe we do not need to weaken our foreign ATO forces as long as we have better coordination and stronger communication at home. We admit we need help, but we are angered that this national issue is dealt with poorly.

Please do feel free to contact any one of us. We want a voice in the process and we want a better and more secure system, and would be happy to talk with you.

Greene12, Federalist Party President
Fionia, United States Workers Party President
Indrae, American Defense and Trade Party President
Justin McCravok, United Independents Party President
rainy sunday. S.E.E.S. Party President