Tools that make your eLife easier

Day 917, 06:13 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket">

Dear People of Norway,
We would like to present You today two tools that make You eLife easier 🙂

ErepTools by carbon

What can you do with this tool? You can:

- find cheapest products in the eWorld and check product prices by country or by quality

- see history chart of product prices in last 1, 10, 30 or 60 days in the eWorld or in single country

- see exchange rates of all currencies in eWorld and find currencies with high spread and you can earn gold on Monetary Market

- see history of every exchange rate in the eWorld

- see top battles with highest total damage

- see fights of every player in the eWorld

- see statistic of every battle

- see statistic of every war

- see every of 44567 companies in the eWorld and array them by country, by industry, by quality, by stock, by products on market, by employees, by licences or by raw materials

- see world stock or stock of every country in the eWorld

- see history of eRepublik citizens in the eWorld

- see every region of the eWorld and found what country has or hasn't high raw material region

- see new citizens of every country in the eWorld

- calculate damage with damage calculator

- and many more">

eRepublik Plus by PeeKaBooh

eRepublik Plus is a Greasemonkey user !! written in !! that helps eCitizens by extending the base functionality of eRepublik, thus making the game "easier" to play.

What can you do with this tool? You can:

- see Quick Links Feature

- see Wellness calculator on your profile Feature

- see ‘Swap currencies’ link Feature at monetary market

- see Unit price of Raw Materials and Products Feature at marketplace

- see damage with various quality of weapon at Army page

- see Job market filtering Feature

- translate every article and comments in the eWorld on 42 different languages

- see All comments link

- use Newspaper and Forum Article Editor Feature for easier writing your articles and forum posts

- see Link to Wars list in My places menu and Training grounds

- see extended battlefield maximum fighters shown

- see Improved Super Soldier medal calculator on your profile

- see Monetary Market counter exchange rate calculator">

OUR LATEST ARTICLES:"> Yours low wellness our big problem"> What we know about wellness">

Also, remember! If you haven't done this yet, register at the Norwegian eRepublik forum!" />

Posting in THIS thread nets you 20 NOK! No strings attached!

If you need any more help, just message this organization and one of the staff will help you! No question is too stupid!
