Tomorrow Sweden can lose everything, the war, bonus', allies, power and money

Day 1,475, 02:04 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Big day tomorrow, its election day! In Sweden Jim Parson (FBS), the choice of the right wing is running for election while the left wing has put forward a candidate from MSAP, Raticon. In my opinion, if Raticon wins, Sweden will lose everything. The War, money, bonus', power and alliances.

Article by Toothpaste

The first issue is the our struggling for gaining enough of production bonus'. We have conquered under Jim Parsons the weak Norwegians and taken Fish and Oil which gives us 40% extra production bonus in total to food, weapon and raw material production.

Under Raticon, the red choice, the MSAP choice, this will end.

"We are an anti-imperialist party. This means that we oppose colonialism and imperialist wars of conquest, which we see have their origin in the capitalist mode of production."
From MSAP manifest / source

As I spoke with the leaders of MSAP they are against our so called "oppression" on the Norwegians and has said that all regions will be given back to Norway, resulting in Sweden losing the bonus' that Sweden so much need. This must be done say MSAP, its in their manifest even. And they will put that interest before Sweden's economical needs when ever they get a chance.

"We do not tolerate the oppression of our brothers or sisters anywhere. This means that we see our struggle in Sweden as a part of a grater, global socialist struggle."
From MSAP manifest / source

The second issue: wars. The Norwegian existence is secured. Annexing Norway is a bad thing cuz Sweden need the long-term war with Norway. At least for now. If we end the war, the extra points when you train your strength will be gone. No bonus there. Extra bonus to gaining military level will be gone too.

And ending the war with Norway and giving back our much needed bonus regions is what MSAP has spoken about.

And there wont be other wars under MSAP, except the war against "oppression" which basically will lead Sweden into turning its back on her alliance ONE. MSAP will strive to take on the biggest dog that is oppressing the worl😛 our biggest ally Poland.

Poland is a giant. It has regions everywhere, even in north America. And it has a huge population. When Raticon together with his red army "Arbetarmilisen" and its MSAP-members will start to burn bridges, Poland will have to turn against him since Sweden is the strongest military power in the north, and is a threat to whom ever it is boarding.

"MSAP is a revolutionary workers socialist party that is opposed to all forms of oppression. Our objective is a total transformation of the existing society, to abolish capitalism"
MSAP Mission, From MSAP manifest / source

Their idea is this: We should have such high salaries that they income for a company owner will be minimal. Simple as that. It would have taken us years to get our invested money back if we would have accepted the red coalitions politics.

MSAP, the red choice will take away our bonus', our wars, our allies, ruin our private economy and we will be overrun from within and from outside. Raticon and the red choice cannot be allowed to take power in Sweden. Its simple as that.