Tomorrow's Elections: First Party Elections of V1

Day 329, 22:41 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

Today, in a not so shocking move, BattalGazi revealed himself to be Onrche.  (For those of you who missed it, Onrche is the infamous Turkish leader who has been repeatedly banned for his corrupt use of multis to rig elections.)  Well, to me, this is no breaking news: I have known it all along...and it's pretty obvious.  So, why did I chat with Battal/Onrche and give him a chance for diplomacy?  Well, since he was reborn as Battal, he hadn't shown such a mischievious side.  He seemed to be a quasi-reformed man working for change.  Now, we all know this is false: he refuses to work with others and wants to oppress all of the minorities in eTurkey.  Proof: he orchestrated a hostile takeover of the main political parties in Turkey and has shown no signs of calling it off--the corrupt members of the MHC are still in our parties.  I have seen them lurking around in the shadows, and my guess is that they are waiting until 11:59 to announce their candidates for party presidencies.  I imagine ours is media mogul burakkocamis...who just came back to the PVD after losing to me in the party elections 4 days ago.
Where have all the good Turks gone?  The other reason I gave Battal a chance is that there are many lovely Turks inhabiting the MHC.  I wanted to give diplomacy a chance for their sake.  However, after so many rounds of Onrche abusing the system, I am beginning to wonder: where is their conscience?  Sure, up until now, he has been a political powerhouse in eTurkey.  But, the only reason (besides creating countless multis) that he has this power is because countless dissenting Turks sit back in the shadows, self-censoring.  For some reason, they are too afraid to speak out against their corrupt leadership.  Those of you I know are far too good to be part of such a sinister scheme.  It is time for you to free yourself of Onrche's stranglehold and be free to express yourself!  If you are sick and tired of Onrche and what he stands for, join us!  Vote for me in the party elections!  I do not want a country full of hatred and corruption.  I want a country that functions and isn't mocked by the global community.  I want to build us up to a dominant nation, not hold us back as the laughing stock of eRepublik.
A matter of support.  I realize that this is a nation full of ethnic pride.  There are multiple parties reserved for each group's interest.  However, I have been consistently told that I am the person people are waiting for to lead this nation because of my moderate standpoint on the issues and willingness to work for peace.  While these words of support are always welcomed, there is a matter of actual voting support.  If nobody is willing to come to my party to support me, I will never make it to the presidential ballot.  I cannot be the leader of this great nation on well wishes alone.  I need real support.  Consider this party election your chance to show your support.
The time is upon us to do the right thing.  As a nation, we need to bond together and fight tyranny and oppression.  We all need to cast our votes tomorrow in the party elections.  Together, we can save eTurkey.  Divided, we will fall.
Switch to PVD and vote for me.