To War! Day Twelve; Congressional Elections; AWSUM ALLIANCE MERCA KAPUT

Day 972, 20:10 Published in Ireland USA by rivere123

I'd like to declare my intent to run for Congress in Louisiana once more.
I have experience in Congress, and believe I can do great things for America. For one year, I've romped the country- and I've found my calling in Congress. I hope to make sure America can keep up with its competitors (and enemies) across the world. You can help me do this by voting rivere123 in Louisiana. As a congressman, I was extremely active. I voted on almost every bill, and learned as I went on. I hope Louisiana can choose a real life, and dedicated Louisianan for this fine state.
V2 Watch:
Thousands of eRep citizens' faces came to glow across the world when the Military Module opened up again. America invaded Alaska, conquered by the Rvssians, while other battles flared, with the Polish invading Pomerania, lost to Rvssia just before V2. Despite this attack, PHOENIX was generally on the offensive, with the Rvssians invading Washington shortly after the Polish Attack and Indonesia invading the former Australian fortress of West Australia. With Rvssia fighting on three fronts, the nation is doomed to multiple losing battles.

Let's kick some Rvssian ass, mkay deary?

In the meantime, citizens have been able to return to their home states because hospital and fortress rules no longer applied depending on what region you are in. With elections looming, state politics may finally be more than just ATOing attempts.

The Wellness Cam is now discontinued, and I will begin to tie up all reports on V2 as a new age approaches. I would like to thank the players that allowed me to track them for the short project.

World Watch:
Just as the Congressional elections and two week anniversary of V2 approach, the military module's release was long awaited. Two weeks without war made the media hungry and the players bored. Out of this boredom, the infamous Bogdan_L released an article about a super-alliance treaty proposed. If the treaty were ratified, six nations, Poland, Croatia, and Serbia namely, would be allied together, mainly against the US. The article was extremely famous, and many called blasphemy. The proposer, Dante, a former American, even started a chat on mibbit to promote the alliance: #superalliance.public

The article reached the Top 5 articles of the world in its peak, and sent hundreds of citizens into a frenzy. A Greek wrote an article

George S Patton: A Leader in Congress Q&A
An interview with the USWP's Congressional Whip.

Question 1
rivere123: What do you think is the point in a USWP Congressional Whip?
George S Patton: You can basically relate the job of the WHIP to an enforcer
I have to keep congressmen in check and active
you know insure that there is discipline

Question 2
rivere123: Have you ever had problems with unruly Congressman? If so, what happened?
George S Patton: Seeing I just got this position I have not had any problems just yet. I hope to never have any. People do complain about congressmen going inactive during their terms. I plan to have all USWP Congressmen active and voting while in office or they wont be run next term.

Question 3
Rivere123: How was your Congressional term? Is there anything you regret, and what history did you make?
George S Patton: I felt like I didn't experience a regular term because of the V2 updates turning everything upside down. I have to say I regret nothing and I have learned 10x as much new info about how our government works and all the ins and outs. I can say I was in the first congress to experience V2 and I hope to be back for many more terms.

That's all for now! Don't be fooled by Patton's warm personality and charismatic attitude! He's actually a politician!

This weeks award goes to Haliman, Writer of The New World Today! Here's a link:
Haliman's paper, the New World Today, has a misleading title. Haliman uses his paper to make in-genius and funny articles concerning relations between the admins and players, as well as supporting his Congressional runs in some of the funniest ways. Definitely check it out, and subscribe for when Haliman releases those golden papers. I have been subbed for months.