To Light the Way into Uncertainty

Day 860, 16:11 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

It takes a unique kind of creature to become a good leader in my mind. A Leader can't just be anyone with the knowledge or ideas. People who are knowledgeable are experts, and people with ideas are innovators. While a leader can hold either or both of those titles , it does not mean that anyone who is an expert or an innovator can be a good leader.

A Torch in Hand

In movies when the main cast finds themselves needing to go through a dark tunnel and no one seems to have remembered to bring a flashlight, the only torch available is lit, and handed to the leader of the group.

This torch in hand scenario gives a fairly good representation of what specifically a leader is in my mind. I often remind myself of this role whenever I am tested by my leadership position because it reminds me of the reality of what being a leader means.

The False Spotlight

Being a leader doesn't mean getting the limelight. You are not on display to make yourself feel good, or to gain anything. While holding the torch you may become the most illuminated, but you are not so because you are important.

A true leader understands this.

The torch that illuminates the leader exists to give light to those who are following, making it easier for them to see. The leader is nothing more than the barer of the light, who advances the light in front of the group so that there are no surprises for them.

Testing the Ground

The leader may seem to be showing the way to the lost group, but more often then not the leader is doing nothing of the sort. S/he may have a better idea of what is going on if they share the expert title, but that isn't why they are in front.

In dark passages with only a torch to light the way, there are many unexpected obstacles or events that can occur. There may be a hole that can't be easily seen, the ground might be slick in one area, or a bridge could have a fully rotten plank that has yet to fall through.

The leader of the group is the person who meets first with these obstacles. A leader must be brave enough to be willing to step where it might not be safe, and to ensure that the ground is stable enough for those who follow.

Essentially acting like a guinea pig to ensure the well being of the majority.

No one can anticipate what is to come, but a leader is willing to take that first step and make mistakes so that those in his/her care don't need to go through any hardships.

A Fork in the Road and the Test of a Leader

Left or Right?

It is all well and good if the leader has traversed the dark space before and knows that "left" is the way out, but what if they have never been here before?

What if no one has been here before?

Trapped in a dark space where the only option for survival seems to be foreword, but with two forewords to choose from, a true leader will not simply "pick" a way to go. While that option always remains, a leader will not choose it first. Nor will a leader pick the "road less traveled". While good for a nice adventure, when trying to get a large group through an already too exciting situation it is never the best choice.

This is why this scenario is a good test for a leader. If the leader fails, often a new leader will step up. But before that the leader must work out which way to go. In a democracy or a republic decisions are made by which is favored by the majority. A good leader, despite feeling that they may know better, will still talk the matter over with the group before advancing.

An expert may not be a leader, but is more than likely going to be in the group the leader is caring for, as will an innovator. Both of these types of people are the greatest allies to a leader. They will inform and suggest options available for the choice at hand. Others then will step in and voice their concerns.

However the leader often makes the final call since, naturally, the leader will be the first one testing out the theory or choice, and the leader wants to live. It isn't because they make better choices.

However no one will follow the leader down one path over another if there is no reason presented for one path over the other, and if the leader chooses wrong in either case, the leader should be prepared to be discarded immediately. No follower will risk the same folly twice.

The Long Road

Going back to the misconception of "lime light", I want to talk about the other biggest misunderstanding about being a leader. It is not easy, it isn't even glamorous.

Every mistake made under your watch you get blamed for. You need to be able to shoulder it, take the blame, and the consequences. If someone gets into a leadership role for the "perks" and for the "fame", they will find themselves miserable.

A leader doesn't exist for themselves, but for others.

The path in front of a leader is of an unknown length, with an unknown amount of complications, twists, turns and issues. Just because people are following you doesn't mean those things will change. It will not suddenly make the path clear, it will not remove the rotting planks from the bridge.

A leader simply has no time to enjoy the spotlight with all the surprises coming at them, and they shouldn't try to. A single slip up can lead to disaster.

The road is long and the effort a leader needs to put in, in order to be adequate... not great... just adequate... is significant.


Lastly a good leader needs allies. A leader is not the sole person to bare all the burdens of a group, and alone will often fail at trying to do so, let alone actually handling all of that responsibility.

A leader is humble enough to know that they need to submit themselves to the will of the group, and humble enough to ask for help, and to allocate tasks out into the hands of many.A single pole cannot support a group, but a grid or block with an even distribution of work, can easily support many while being able to accomplish even the smallest roles.

If a leader cannot allocate tasks into accepted hands of those the group will trust to get the job done, the leader risks the trust and function of the group, and thus risks its survival.

It is for such a reason that I feel that the best part of any presidential campaign platform is their choices for ministers. You can truly tell the strength of a leader by who they ask to do a given job.

An Uncertain Future for eRepublik

So why am I yammering on about what it means to be a good leader? That is a very good question I would like to address now.

eRepublik is looking some significant changes in the face as we speak. Soon how our businesses run, what their profit margins will look like, will be turned on their heads. How we fight to defend ourselves from battles or wars, will be given new factors and variables that we can't do more than guess about the effects of. The wellness, and soon happiness, of our citizens will be tested as everyone works to juggle the dichotomy that will determine our character's well being and ability to do anything.

The new eRepublik is right around the corner. We can't risk appointing a president from now until the change over, who is only familiar with the old system but has no talent for handling short term catastrophes. We should not risk appointing someone who doesn't have a plan in place for how to deal with what may come before any of us have any idea how to adapt to the changes.

We need someone who is willing to get messy and bring us through the dark tunnel of uncertainty safely and in one piece.

The job will not be easy I tell you this now. Even our current president has stated that anyone who is willing to run better be prepared to dish out 40 hours a week to this game if not more. I agree with this.

The last thing eJapan needs is an inactive president.

Fae's Bid

At the moment I am placing my proverbial hat in the ring for Country President. I have a fair number of members in my party who support me, and while our vote is not concluded just yet, I would like to place myself out there for other parties to see and consider.

If nominated and then elected, I will work with current members of our country who are well tasked with their roles to develop a plan for the future of erepublik, I would remove control from industry as to allow our companies full flexibility during this important transition, and I would discuss with head and experts in our military about how we can get our armed forces prepared for the future.

I would work to continue efforts like the q5 food effort going on now, sponsored by Roland_up's company Yui Corp, in order to ensure that none of our citizens are abandoned in the transition and left to struggle to meet appropriate levels of wellness and happiness.

I would work to ensure that our culture does not struggle under the chaos of the constant need to adjust and transition by ensuring that holidays and activities are still held and are well advertised and promoted. I will also work hard to keep up a conversation with eJapan, much like I do with my party as Party President.

And I would love to employ one of our many bilingual members to work on translating and dual publishing articles in English and Japanese for our countrymen.

Of course this is just a run off of some of my ideas. Should I get a nomination, do expect a full platform to be presented detailing how I plan to hold the torch for eJapan.

Thank you.
