Day 89, 02:25 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

I know there are already allot of tutorials out there, and I will give you links to them:

Very good tutorial with the basics(made by platonic):
Guide for new members (made by snakedoctor):
Very handy site where you have a view of what options all positions (mayor, president, GM,...) have:
forum for UK-residents: (if you are a UK-resident, Make sure you register here)

Now: these are all good site's, but there are some things they are forgetting. more specific things to the UK. I'll write a few down.

1. Very important: Stop spamming around in articles about things that are not relevant to E-republik. No one reads this, no one cares about this (we have RL newspapers if we want to know who won from who, or who has done something or not) and more importantly, no one will subscribe to your newspaper if you don't write anything useful.
Why do ppl around here hate the fact that you spam around with football results? simple: the media page only displays the latest 10 articles. After that those articles are very hard to re-find again. So imagine the following situation: some one posted a good idea for e-rep and ppl start reacting on it and improving the idea, but then right before we all agreed about it, it falls off the media page and is lost because some idiot wanted to tell us all that he "iz teh l33t!!". You can imagine how frustrating that is. That is why I ask all new members to please stop writing articles if you have nothing relevant to say. In time, when you start understanding this game, you will see that you will find good idea's to change this country and you can post them then if you want. A new member that is for example writing good articles is titus in his newspaper "reflections" (his other paper "News of the E-World", is quite a spam paper though)

2. Type normal: by normal I mean: type like they teach you in school. That means capital letter at the beginning of a phrase and point at the end. By normal I do not mean this: "Hi I Am Shadow, And I Like To Type Everything In Capital Letters" or using the third person all the time: "Shadow does not agree with you". Now I'm not saying you can't type any errors. (I myself make allot of typo's, but English isn't my native language after all), But try to prevent situations like the ones I mentioned above.

3. When you just joined don't start a new political party. Atm we already have 3 active party's and 2 inactive. That is more then enough. It would be a serious waste of gold to start a new party. Just join one of the existing one's.

4. I know some ppl join this game and see that they get gold for invites, so what do they do? they start inviting all their friends, other e-mail adresses,... in order to get 40G. And then after a few days they have 40G and start a company. BAD MOVE. If you have no experience in this game, do not start your company, you will only go bankrupt. Wait a few weeks or a month and start your company then. Learn how everything works, what you have to do, what industry's are making lots of profit,... And then things will go way better. I am manager of 2 company's and I play this game for 3 month's now and even I can hardly survive with my company's.

5. As last I would also like to say this: If you have questions regarding the game or regarding a article you want to write, feel free to ask me or kaleb or any other older member for more info. You can also post your article/question on the UK-residents forum: ( and we will be happy to help you.

Kind regards
director of S-group
UK Reform Party Chairman

P.S.: don't forget to subscribe on my newspaper

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