Time for A Unified Israel

Day 582, 15:38 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Parties, peoples, let us not go forward with hasty attitudes being belligerent and noisy in the face of change. Let us move forward with a positive attitude in order to bring Israel through the tough times we face into the future. Lets us be one under one flag, The Israeli Flag. Let us move forward not bickering and flinging un-warranted accusations in the coming days and weeks. Let us handle our disputes in private and in respect for the nation of Israel. There are many political divisions that have pulled some away from us in the past few days that have made people not feel like a part of Israel anymore, and we miss them, I miss them, and feel for them, they made a mistake. yes they have done things they should not have done, they have been wrong, but we must move forward, we must encourage the back into the fold and straightway paths, we must encourage them to not be afraid, we must not restrict their freedom of speech as some of them have suggested in any manner, but that we may engage respectfully in nature in the coming weeks. We must rise above the turmoil and grief and show the eWorld what Israel really is and what we stand for.

I can assure you as a congressional member I will stand for these things I have said personally. I have never brought about a debate regarding anything or anyone without it being warranted by the other side, and if I have made a mistake I have always admitted it. There unfortunately are some that do not take constructive relationship feedback well in our nation, we must help them see and realize their challenges and help them overcome them as a team. We must teach those that try to disrupt daily life here in Israel by engaging in nothing more than political bickering and a backwards agenda that this type of thing will not be tolerated without rebuke from the people who are the shining light of this here great nation.

Israel has come too far to turn back, at the cost of many politically, militarily, diplomatically, and financially.

To those who wish to lash out in the media against the people and the Parties of people who are striving to move this nation forward, understand that the days of the innocent recipients sitting down and being quiet have come to an end. We are a unified voice that can correct any negative false statements in a matter of a few minutes. I personally and my party is personally always open to respectful open debate, but one must engage professionally and be civil in nature or one will expect the same type of communication in return, which has resulted in unfortunate circumstances for some of those people in the last few days as I was speaking about a moment ago. We don’t like that type of thing.

Understand that the Likud party is the party of the people, for the people, filled with the people. Being a member of that unified voice I will always answer questions of concern, engage in debate, and make sure at the end of the day the record is still straight. Their are other parties that stand for the same things in Israel, but beware of the one that does not, Not naming names for unification purposes

Harry Truman once said

“Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything.”
Harry S. Truman

This is what I intend to do if elected as a congressman, I am talking to you common people of Israel, Common workers, New people to this great land, New People to eRepublik.
I intend to stand for what is right in the common workers eyes and ensure our voices are not stepped on by longtime leaders who shrug off ideas and new ways. I inted to carry the battle to Congress, I intend to step on Hands, I intend to ensure your best interests are put to the forefront of the scene along with the rest of the likud

For those who have engaged in false mudslinging pulling myself and others into a useless debate, understand that the need for that type of thing has diminished greatly in this nation. We ask you to stop and accept what ls ahead of you. We ask you to be a man, or a woman and engage behind the scenes if you want to mudsling, If you have a factual article that makes sense and is not just pure ranting and raving an political in nature, use your freedom of the press that the Likud party stands for and post an Article, if not, Get your facts straight and speak with individual you are accusing before you post a factual article.

Let us move forward, Let us not engage in a civil war of words in the public as it will do nothing more than prove at the end of the day that an individual was wrong in initiating the false mud-slinging to begin with. Let’s make Israel whole, Stop fighting against the good fight.

And remember on Election Day Tomorrow, I am not asking you to vote for me, Because I am not out for a political gain as some of the people we just discussed might suggest, I am out to ensure Israel’s safety, Economic prosperity, Government Transparency, and a Government who cares about its people, So if you have something that you can hold against me, don’t vote for me, I don’t want your vote, but I do want you to vote LIKUD, as they do care, I can honestly say since becoming a member of this party, the people do care, one will fill at home in LIKUD.

Signing off.
J. Moore

God Bless Israel