Thoughts and views #14- The Turkey Problem

Day 518, 16:53 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Thoughts and Views
What a world wind weekend here for us in eIsrael. A lot of public debate on the swirling proposals that are not quite clear in the public’s eyes just yet regarding a possible deal for Turkey to return our sovereign lands to us. The part of the proposal I have seen thus far is laid out like this according to our commander and chief Sadeh Badeh:

-Turkey will open 5 Resistance Wars in Israel districts.
-At the 5th Resistance War Israel will gain the land, south district.
-After that both countries won’t attack each other for some time, non aggression pact.

More info will be added later.

Breaking this down, It tells me the flowing things, It tells me this gives turkey an opportunity to train their military forces on our lands they currently occupy building up their forces and what not in preparation for their eventual track in attempting to take the North District back from us. The Non-aggression pact is bologna. We get one region, the south district, the furthest region away from our current region. I’m not a congressman, I’m not the president, and I don’t know all the answers, but looking at the egobba map of erepublik, I would assume, and I assume a lot, so just bear with me. I would assume we would want to take the three regions closest to our current region, Haifa, Jerusalem, and the Center District. All of these regions hold the same amount of grain as the south district, would be a little less land amount than the one big south district, but these three small districts hold a bigger population than the south district.

Israel is growing stronger daily, and our resolve is firmer daily as a nation. We must not let this deal as it stands go forward. I call upon our government to re-examine this program, if you aren’t already and consider all input from the citizens that will one day stand to defend this land along side of you.
Some have said these regions have no prize to them economically, yes they do, more grain to be exported in the future. These regions will give us more diplomatic power believe it or not, other nations look at our dot on the map right now and may laugh when we try to work diplomatically to resolve issues between other countries, or engage in diplomacy at all. If we held all of our regions again, we are bigger on the map, and we mean more in face value to other nations, were not viewed as a legitimate threat if we needed to be viewed as right now is what I’m trying to get at here.

Holding all of our original regions gives us Israeli pride that we lack in some instances now, Ifs again part of face value displayed to the world. We are Israel; we have all of our original regions, just try to take them! That’s the type of mindset we will have if we do this, and we can be successful in that.
So for one to say there is no value in our original regions, the 4 that are missing from our puzzle currently, is non-patriotic and anti-Israel and receives no appreciation or value from me as an eIsraelie citizen.

To devalue our Atlantis allies as nothing more than names on a list, is a slap in their face as they helped to acquire our current region.

This is not to say that hardships and issues won’t come along with acquiring our original regions, yes there will be takeover attempts, yes there will be economical issues, political issues, just as there is and was with our current region, but instead of pointing to all the issues as excuses not to move our nation forward, our leaders jobs are to take to task these issues and develop strategies to go around these issues and to put an agenda in place and in front of the public to view.

To sum this up, Turkey is trying to give us a rotten deal that stinks like yesterdays kosher frank in the garbage can! I say we throw it back at them and say stick it, do it our way, or will we fight you in every region with our allies. And I know there will be critics who say I’m crazy for that last statement who would say were going to get our asses handed to us by Turkey, I say coordinate, and plan and catch them by surprise.

Wake up Israel.