Thoughts and Views #`13- A call to be transparent

Day 515, 19:29 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

A call to Transparency

Today, I call on the the Israeli government administration officials, and Congress to become more transparent in nature.

This is not a name smearing campaign or a party line attack because I belong to no party, and choose to go on belonging to no certain party at this time.
For too long the words transparency and openness have came about right before presidential and congressional elections and promises are made without thought.
I am not in anyway indicating as a Journalist that the administration isn’t doing anything, because I am sure they are, but the problem is too much is being done behind the scenes for so called “security purposes”

I call on Sadeh, and Buzzy, all congressional members, and everyone involved in any way with the government to start posting a weekly update twice a week to let the people know what is taking place behind closed doors.

What are you discussing, and with who? The next update should contain how the discussions have went thus far and how its going, blab blab!

People have long criticized the government for not doing anything, and I have been one of them, but If we want to prove we are actually doing something and not just sitting in front of our computers with a fancy government title in eIsrael, we need to let the people of Israel know.
I will pledge to provide by-weekly updates as ambassador to Austria on diplomatic progress with that country. I will tell you I have had good communication with them thus far, and I will also tell you that I have been given the directive by the Israel Administration that we would not be supportive of any type of formal assistance militarily if war was to break out between Germany and Austria, or Italy and Austria. We would be allowed to support Austria individually of course, but the IDF would not be participating due to reasons beyond my say. I am still trying to get the whole story regarding Austria, Italy, and Germany, and why almost all of regions were allowed to be taken by Italy. I have formally called alongside the president of Austria on the government of Germany and Italy to refrain from further hostilities that would further detonate sparks in the region and de-stabilize Austria and surrounding Nations further, this call I have placed has been done in a diplomatic non-assertive aggressive manner not risking Israel’s Integrity or Security. This is where I am at right now as a Diplomat.

I look forward from hearing from the Diplomats of the eU.S, France, and all other nations within the next few days, as well as from our president, all congress members, and other administration officials, because this short sentence sums it up!

If we don’t know what you’re doing, then neither do you!

One more thing I would personally like to see is someone publish a list of all ambassadors and to what nation they address, and all government officalls, This was published last term, but has not been updated since in the journals.

And what is up with our new forums?