This time in Yukon!

Day 699, 09:46 Published in Canada Estonia by Navid Fattahi

Hello are you doing?

well this is my presentation for Congress elections..I'm running for C.H.A.O.S and in yukon 😃

I'm honest and a Canada-Loving Canadian 😃

so be sure that I will serve the People and not my intrests.

I'm not the kind who votes for yes in Impeachments without a proof and I don't agree laws without to see the results for Canada and it's peoples.

I ran last time but due probems with my internet Connection I lost 😃

but I can tell you something..this time it will be go another way 😃

PM me if you want tickets to come here and vote.

good luck..and as always son't forget to V+S 😃

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