This Just In, Swedes Don't Like It When I Insult Them And Make Up Facts About Them!

Day 306, 17:28 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Copenhagen, Denmark

One of the continual arguments brought up against me and the Danish independence movement is my bad attitude. High ranking Swedish bureaucrats like Flammbar, Carradine and Kape (I guess he's high-ranking, his name is at least very familiar) have all mentioned it.

In short, we have no reason to suck up to you. People will support Danish independence not because I change what I say. People will support independence because it's the morally correct thing to do. If my behavior is the crux of your opinion, then what does that really say about your opinion? What does that say about you?

What does this situation remind you of? Why really it's like that of a teacher and their student. Yes, I must continually correct the behavior of the Swedes for they continually misbehave. (Hey did you see what I did there? I bet you weren't expecting that.)

But on a serious note, this expectation that I should suddenly become nice in order to gain a free Denmark. That's preposterous. That's absolutely ridiculous. If you are truly offended when I say that Swedes aren't human beings, (that they are in fact, homo-Swedes the greatest ape of them all), or that they aren't smart, civilized, intelligible, intelligent, ethical, moral, good looking, possessing sexual organs of any value, and probably the worst music scene in history (not true, I like the Knife), then the problem isn't really me is it? If you are truly offended when I claim that I have scientific evidence for all of these things, the problem isn't me. It's you. Yes Sweden, it's not me, it's you. I'm sorry it has to be this way.

Furthermore, take into consideration what that would look like if I suddenly became a good Swedish citizen. Here I am, spokesperson for a minority that really has received nothing but bad from Sweden. What exactly would our motivation be? On top of that, how transparent would it be if I suddenly stopped making fun of you Swedes? I know I make remarks on your intelligence all the time, but don't you think that would be slightly transparent?

My behavior has been used as an excuse before. My behavior is why we were invaded. My behavior is why we remain an occupied nation. The Swedish nation is so concerned with my apparent behavior that it's forgotten entirely how to behave independently of my behavior. In which case it just begs the question, are we dependent on you, or are you dependent on us?

p.s. Hi Poles, admirable thing you did not putting up mayors in our regions. Perhaps I wasn't entirely correct about you.