Third Party Voters

Day 401, 01:37 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

It seems that my fears were waranted. The Almighty Admin will chose to ignore us once again. There wiil not be any third party candidates in this election. It is unfortunate but I expected it. That's why I have to run in Missouri on a USWP ballot even though I run on a Green Party platform.

One day I hope the Admin will give in to popular demand and allow third party candidates onto the ballot, but until then we must make to with what we have.(If your in a small party thats not much)I pray that enough people will wake up to the inequality in politics today so that the Admin will have to pay attention to us. They play the role of God in this eUniverse, so there is nothing they can't do(sarcasm).

Lets join together as a Nation, a Continent, and a World to shoot the warning flare into the dark Christmas sky. For tis the season to come together and love your fellow man and woman.
Happy Holidays and to All a Goodnight.

Jamarcus/Green Party Secretary
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