Think! Before you vote! | 생각 해 봐요! 전에 투표!

Day 1,142, 02:58 Published in South Korea South Korea by NoMoreHugs

First, I want to say that this article isn`t a propaganda. I want real Korean to think before vote because in eSK always have a lot of people from other countries. We help you, some of us even bring you to come here(in game) to help us eSK to become stronger. But in last month everything isn`t normal. Almost everyone want something and blame others to something.
You must think which president will be the better choose! And I want to say again think before you do something, you can kick out some friends...

A lot of us are stronger than real Korean, but we(all people that aren`t real Korean) help you to have this country. If we go to our eCountry, you will not have a lot of good fighters. Check this, this and this.
Don`t be bad with us, we only want to help. Think!

I support Veritas Causidicus in this president election.
I hope this google translate of title is correct. I also want some to translate whole article to Korean. Thanks.