Things Will Never Be the Same Again

Day 970, 09:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative">
The People’s Communist Party is one of the largest collective of individuals united together by a far left party. As such, I envision the People’s Communist Party as a beacon for other communist or socialist parties. At this point in time our party has a wealth of talents and a very stable commune system. As such we have no reason not to use this to our advantage. With the recent migration to Erepublik Rising, we will also enter our own transition phase towards full autonomy. Within this system party members will be provided opportunities to gain experience from our military, economic, legislative and social structures. Each structure will be managed by a committee of the most dedicated individuals, committed to mirror the successes of thriving community.">

Economic Strategy Committee (ESC)
Bob the terrorist Head of ESC
Carboncopy Deputy Head of ESC

Our communes are the backbone behind our economic influence in the eUK. However, new companies and new professions provide opportunities to restructure and expand. By expanding our commune systems means we buy less from private investors and produce all our own commodities. As a result, new opportunities have opened them seleves up to eager soon-to-be commune managers. We also intend to operate fluidly using the People’s Bank as our base for currency conversion avoiding inherent losses from MM trading.">

Military Strategy Committee (MSC)
NotQuietAsOne Head of MSC
Valkar Deputy Head of MSC

The People’s Army has been given all the support it needs to effective defend ourselves and even others from the oppression of imperialism. Subsequently, all our communes’ weapons companies will now only be used for supplying The People's Army. Taking into account the changes in the military module has resulted in subsequent adaptations in military strategy. Namely, more efficient weapons for members who are able to take part in live co-ordinated strikes.">

Legislative Strategy Committee (LSC)
Sfeir Head of LSC
sonicslice Deputy Head of LSC

This committee will focus on improving relations with other parties without compromising our ideals. Any pacts formed will be intended to be long lasting and beneficial to those involved. The other responsibilities of the group will be to play a key role in the upcoming congress and country president elections.">

Social Strategy Committee (SSC)
Jan_Baykara Head of SSC
Loken_silverblood Deputy Head of SSC

This month we will focus on welcoming our newer members. PCP is known for social initiatives and we intend to emphasize it. Our community is one of the best in the eUK with our open irc channel hosting conversations on anything and everything. Our gaming nights have also been extended from weekly to daily and our private forums full of topics to discus. If you are a member and not yet apart of the action yet then now is the time to do it, so get on the forums now!">

We work together, fight together and have fun together for a better PCP!