They want our BRAIN!!!

Day 615, 03:21 Published in USA Russia by tutumba
Name for the new colonies.
Our victorious troops rush to the black heart of the bloody regime of eUSA. Soon it will cease to draw life from the American people. Every step of our troops brings the release of North America. PEACE will win, there is no doubt. This victory puts us new questions. For example on the new name for the liberated territories. There are many variants: Far Far East, Amerostan, New Siberia, Beringiya, Great Alaska and many others. Political parties, actively engaged in the debate on behalf of new lands. They would certainly have proposed a host of interesting variants besides Blumenonii, UncleDedii, FRPovki and Eromeriki. But almost immediately engaged in politics - disputes about the future of eRussia and age of UncleDed. Nevertheless, they have helped the final choice. In the fire of political struggle, Comrade Blumen threw in President globe of America. Guarantor of the Constitution, deftly left the line of fire. A globe continued their way toward to the citizen Tutumba, who sit in the distance from the political battles and peacefully pick one's nose. Like every true intellectual, used to act in his head, he deftly split by forehead the flying projectile. "Eureka!!!" - exclaimed the Governor of Washingtonshchina. Globe split just under the Bering Strait. Let it be made - on the left side is Far East, then on the right side will be eRussian Far West! Citizens of eRussia frozen in admiration of the wisdom of the governor.

Missisipian Cossack army.
The problem of crime and the proximity of military action to the lines of Washingtonshchina require adequate. So, the Governor took action on the formation of Missisipian Cossack army. Everyone can become a Cossack. It is not only for eRussian, but also for Aboriginal people. Already, many residents have decided to join the new Cossack army. The main difference between the form of Missisipian Cossacks and other Cossacks are stars-striped boots, and stars-striped handkerchiefs. The occupiers fled in a panic, throw their flags. But a good cloth should be in a good use. These eUSA flags have found good use as a material for the sets of underwear and portyanok for our Cossacks. In order to meet the wishes of the Indians, ataman of Missisipian Cossack army allowed the Indians to wear feathers and scalping machine. Indian Chief Wisdom toaster was satisfied.

Snotty assault.
While at the front were fighting hard, and our heroes shed blood to liberate America from the criminal eUSA government, the enemy strikes us with his most terrible weapon. Dictator of eUSA, having lost hope of victory in battle, so he decided to act in a different way. All remaining under the control of eUSA, states have collected the most mawkish and snotty cowboys. Each of them was replaced by the brain to flash drive with voice recording for the eRussian army and sent them to the Washingtonshchina. The horror that has made this action is best described by memories of one of the witnesses:
"I sit at the office, at guard - from the damned enemy eRussian territory defend. Morning, cold, fog around - nothing visible... Suddenly I hear - is as if someone come. And not even one, the whole crowd and the buzzing. I listened - no buzz, but terrible mumbling. Recently watched a movie about zombies. So it was very scary. I grabbed my Kalash and called the men. Sit waiting. The muttering all the closer and closerе. We began to understand the words. We saw gabbler - they are go and shake. And hear the words: "Russian we are want frie-e-e-ndshi-i-ip, I w-a-a-ant to fri-i-iendship. Ru-u-u-ussian we are bro-o-o-others, give ba-a-ack ou-u-ur sta-a-a-tes. Do-o-on't hurt me, I lo-o-o-ve eRu-u-u-ussia. W-e-e-e areee sorry-y-y-y." And between the words terrible cries, as if the brain chew. I thought that not seeing more my new Colorado girlfriend Pamela Bobovnu. So we become afraid, that we grabbed the gun and ran forward to the zombies. Came, and there americans cry. All in the nozzle with posters in the hands: "MAKE LOVE NOT PEACE", "eUSA and eRussia - friendship forever" and others.
And so we feel sorry for them was - did not even beat them - just flog each in order to care. And send them to prapor Rigaylo, to army, that he made men of them."