The World’s Top 9 Most Important Holy Places and Religious Sites

Day 4,714, 12:46 Published in Iran Iran by ¤Anon.7904407¤

Religion has long played a central role in the human experience. Organized religion has existed in one form or another from the very dawn of civilization. No matter what one thinks about particular claims made by a specific faith, it is impossible to argue against religion’s importance. Billions of people today organize their lives around religious teachings and consider a variety of places around the world sacred. We’ve put together this list of the world’s most important religious sites. Though necessarily incomplete, these locations are intangible cultural treasures. These are nine of the most important religious sites on Earth.

Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City (Catholicism)

Western Wall, Jerusalem (Judaism)

Great Mosque of Mecca, Saudi Arabia (Islam)

Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh, Acre, Israel (Baháʼí Faith)

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem (Christianity)

Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi, India (Hinduism)

Golden Temple, Amritsar, India (Sikhism)

Ise Grand Shrine, Ise, Japan (Shintoism)

Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya, India (Buddhism)


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