The word on 12/11/08

Day 387, 15:30 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

The article is sponsored by: The Nationalist Party " We are number seven and we are outgrowing the Democratic Party."

The B vote won!

The Good Word
~ q1 Grain prices have gone down to (q1) $.84 ( Will be talking about this meaning.....If grain prices go up that means food will follow, but if it goes down so will food(( This is the most reliable info.)))
~ The dollar is worth more ( Erep's info economic page.)
~ We gain about 100 people daily but lately we have gained over 200 daily.
~ We have gone over 8000 people ( according to the log in page.)
~ Salaries are rising,but ( see the Bad word.)
~ Q3 food prices have gone from $12 to $8

The Political Word
~ Italy attacks Spain.
~ There has been an offer from Benn Dover with an MPP with Argentina... and noone has voted within the hour.
~ China has been refused an MPP.
~ A new battle has started! Check it out!

The Bad Word
~ Gold is has gone up $4.
~ Food was $1.85, but is now $1.95.
~ It isn't as profitable to do gifts anymore.
~ Guns are $10.
~ Moving Tickets are $16.
~ There are no more q 1 houses.
~ Inflation is on the rise. (my belief) Due to Demand in People and Salaries.
~ Congress cannot vote at all- DID YOU HEAR ME ADMINS?! A BUG!

The Free Word
~ "Join The Nationalist Party- We are number 7 and on the Rise."- The nationalist Party.
~ If you want a shout out or an ad here pm me.
~ If you want to sponsor this news paper saying that you want to support the people in giving them their me -the picture cost at least six dollars.

Job Update.

The only official job so far giving out was too Navy in the Advertising Job.

Now all people that want a job PM ME! and include a Resume' and give me an example of how well you do your job (( For instance if It was the economy job you would send me ;

The Good word
~ Gas prices are down.
Blah blah blah - etc.

The Bad word

But do not include any of my works. Find it out.))

1. Economics ( when pm me split the economic news into good news and bad news)
2. Politics/War ( ditto)
3. Rankings ( ditto (( basically tell party's rankings that change, or countries strength....etc, but in still split in a good news bad news.)

~ Your elife must be a month old....
~ You must actively get on daily.
~ You have to be able to send me a pm b4 6 o'clock central time.
~ You have to pm me or leave a comment here that you want a job.....plz inform me if you can get on IRC.

And the political job basically posts news about offers that might be approved....are next movement in war....etc.