The Word on 1/5/09

Day 412, 14:38 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Today's Word is brought to you by the Nationalist Party. The Nationalist Party is inviting you to join the fastest growing party in America! For more information check out our Forums at: or for our Manifesto read here:
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The Good Word
~ Food prices have gone down to $1.61 (from $1.63)
~ Grain prices have gone down to $.80 (from $.90)
~ Gun prices have gone down to $12 (from $14)
~ House prices have gone down to $230 (from $233)
~ Our GDP has increased to 1900 gold.(from 1700 gold)
~ Exports have increased to 641 gold (from 600 gold)
~ The average working pay wage has increased to $12 (from $11) (Good for people - bad for companies(( Maybe i should use this as a reference of inflation as well-no?))
~ Gold prices have have (average.) down to $71.3 (from $73) (( I remember when it was $5😎)

The Political Word
~ Desertfalcon has resigned from the presidential campaign see here
~ Justin is in the lead with 421 of the votes
~ Uncle Sam is in second place with 378 votes.
~ (You need at at least triple digits to be mentioned.)

The Bad Word
~ Gifts have gone up to $4.01 (from $3.99)
~ Imports have increased to 30 gold (from 15 gold)
~ DO NOT OPEN UP A BUSINESS JUST YET. Don't you see? If wages increase on the market AND on the economic tab ,but prices of products lower- it get's harder to hire and harder to sell for a profit price since things are lower. ( This shows that there is a high demand on employees)