the word on 1/2/2009

Day 409, 08:52 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

The Good Word (sorry still on internet explorer so no bold)
~ Food have gone down to $1.51
~ Our Exports have increased to 180 gold per month
~ Our imports have decreased to .21
~ Gift prices have gone down a cent to $3.51
~ Gun prices have gone down as well from $16 to $14
~ Moving Ticket's prices have gone down 8 cents.
~ Grain prices have gone down from 15 cents
~ Our GDP has increased from 1000 gold to 1200 gold. ( I want everyone to know that the less imports we have the higher our GDP is, and that we should never import full products unless there are hardly any workers available.)
~ Inlfation is at 497% ( just to say I think the way erep has it is that this inflation is what value the dollar is ---- meaning +497% is the rate the value is increasing so if it's -34% that means it's loosing value- could someone verify this?)

The Political Word
~ Ben Dover gave an order saying "Don't spend any weaponry or gold on this battle."

~ Desertfalcon says that his top priorities are:

1."Strengthening the USD"
2 "Defending Argentina in this World War."
3."Get relations with Atlantis sort out"
4."Get the population active"
5."Reach 10,000"

~ Uncle Sam says that his top priorities are:

1. "Not sending troops to Russia"
2. "Securing Argentina from PEACE"
3. "Getting Atlantis together"
4. " Funding the Military"
5. " The France War....Should be over."

I should have more tommorrow.

The Bad Word
~ Gold prices are up to $75

The Free Word
~ Alot of good things have happened lately.