The weakening of War-Games

Day 530, 17:59 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

We are being negatively effected by these war-games and the industries that are being weakened are the housing industry and the gifting industry,of course you want to keep in mind of the RM's that supply these industries.

I recently shut down my wood company because demand had stooped down.I mean new people are the ones who buy q1 houses, right?But they are not buying those houses because why would they need to anyways? The have the war-games to boost their wellness.

Considering the fact that everyone already buys guns and food but not houses and gifts, then the economy shrinks down to only what is bought. In this since, q1 housing,gifting,wood,and diamond companies go through a "hardship" or just plain out looses their "ship".

The food market and gun market have extended to what is possible already,and I say that the war games are only helping our gun companies (but not our iron companies because when we have consistent battles then foreigners import to us at a competing price). They do not increase moving ticket sales because when I was the new guy on the block - We were moving to places to increase our wellness whenever battles did pop-up, and whenever elections come up people move around to vote for their endorsed congressman.

In the end we are only helping our gun companies and their employees,but that is only one industry and FOUR are being limite😛 Wood,Diamonds (unless imported), Gifting, and housing. We have grown a great number since the war-games began and imagine if they started buying houses and started having "Gifting partners" (crazy good for workers everywhere except for guns amirgiht?)

Which is why I believe we should not have anymore war-games for awhile.....speak to your congressman on what you think we should do.