The War Has Moved

Day 676, 14:28 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Now that all the action in North America is over, PEACE has been forced to take their imperialistic desires elsewhere. Even though Hungary is still here, and they have the initiative against us, they will not be taking any of our states. They won't even attack us once. The reason? They are not complete morons. If they attack us, they open roughly 15 MPPs against them, making it oh so easy for us to take back Washington and Alaska, as well as all the Canadian regions that need to be liberated.

As I said earlier, PEACE has packed up and moved on. About half an hour ago, Iran declared war on North Korea. Iran has learned from it's hilarious game-changing failure in Canada and launched the first attack. Unfortunately for us, it is too late to sign any MPPs with the North Koreans, as they will most likely be wiped out by the time it gets to being signed.

Meanwhile, the Russians are finding out that our Scandinavian friends can be really pesky when you decide to take them over. Russia is in the position of being permanently blocked in the region of Nord-Norge, which is bordered by Sweden, Finland, and Norway. That region will continually be under attack by these three countries, as well as RWs, until the Russians let go of it, or it is taken from them. If our friends take it from them, then they can go right ahead and re-attack Russian home-regions, further angering Parter sitting on the porch of his foreclosed on house. Have fun Russia, those guys don't give up when they are having fun.

On a non-war related note, if anybody would like to buy the grain company I accidentally purchased, or wants to give me any tips on what to do with it, well, take a look at my previous article. Thanks in advance for the help with it!

Keep on fighting America, this war isn't over yet!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!