The Vision of India United

Day 635, 21:51 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Thanks to maverick10 for this.
He did this for India United.


The Vision of India Unite😛

India United, as the name suggests, holds two very unique concepts and ideals together, and as much as an United India, is our Goal, it is also the very path that we walk on.

India is a most unique country in RL, and in eRepublik. In real life, the first thing you notice about India is her diversity, and her culture of respect. India is a melting pot of cultures, languages, religions, diverse communities, with their own unique way of life, and in today’s global age, even of nationalities. The very ground on which we stand and are able to move as a nation, is the philosophy of respect ~ respect for one’s own culture, as well as for diversity. There are also corrupt elements, because of which our country is yet to rise to its deserved place in the world, but at the core we have Respect, and that enables us to rough all storms & opposition.

I refer to India, in real life, for what we are trying to build in eRepublik, is a mini model of it, and in ways, where we can transcend the pitfalls of real life, not fall prey to corruption and move ahead with respect and dignity as our credo. The potential of the Indian people is great, and it falls as our duty and responsibility as eIndians, whether we are from RL India or not, to prove that to the world. It is a heavy mission, and one that we in India United are determined to achieve.

In the context of eRepublik, India represents itself as a neutral country, not out of fear of other nations, but out of its desire to maintain dignity. We are grateful to those who took the decision of not joining alliances, for eventually, as we see even ‘defensive alliances’ end up becoming bullies, and the strongest alliances fall, due to internal dispute. The courage it requires, especially on the part of India’s leaders, to have the strength of character not to get swayed by the challenges we face, and stand tall, is highly commendable. All these leaders, needless to say, were the ones who built, and today lead India United, and are at the forefront of India itself. The parallels can be drawn from the real life India. During the cold war, India pioneered the start of NAM (Non-Aligned Moment) which was a group of nations who refused to join USA or Russia in their imperialistic cold war. Similarly eIndia is following a similar path.

But what about Unity you may ask? What IS this unity? Is it just accepting on face value the dictate of those in office, and saying yes to everything our leaders say? Is it just blind faith in our leadership? Is it just going about our day to day lives, because our leaders have taken on the responsibility of advancing India? No. India is, has been and always will be a democracy. Every person’s voice is important; every person’s efforts are what make the nation.

Unity is where we all have a common vision, and move towards that in our own unique way. The vision here is India’s glory. The vision here is to see a strong, united, capable India, with thousands of active and contributing citizens, a thriving & growing economy, where we are the number one Export Hub in the eWorld, a mighty, yet non-aggressive military, that other nations respect, and can call on in times of need, and a strong governance, where many an individual can give full play to their potential, contribute to its growth and progress in some form or the other, and are trained as global leaders!

This vision is what needs to be burning in our hearts of every single eIndian. When we rise above our self-centered interests of power and wealth, and focus on what ‘I’ can do to ensure the progress of my country, India will sure to move ahead by leaps and bounds! This is what we are trying to build in India United. Essentially, all our thoughts, words and actions are based on this vision, and when we have India and all that she represents as our goal, there will be no scope of disrespect or disharmony.

When we are united with a vision, differences of opinion can be amicably resolved, fresh leaders are continually fostered, in an atmosphere of trust, comradeship, governance and business are clean & every action in the game takes on more meaning, purpose and excitement! We work, to contribute to the nation’s wealth, we train and fight, to surely and steadily build our muscles, we contribute actively in the forum, make our voice heard, to add value to each debate, we trust our leaders to guide us through the maze of international politics & economics. We stand up with pride as Citizens of eIndia!

This is the vision of India as a nation, and this is the very core of India United from the day of its inception till today. India United will hold strong onto these principles and make sure our country is considered before any of ourselves.

India United Forever.

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