The Value Of Independence

Day 455, 14:19 Published in India Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

It is only now, in these troubled times that we can truly but a price on Independence. MMP's weapons, gifts all cost a certain amount of money, and there is only so much money in this small country of ours. After in intense fighting yesterday, Indonesia are expected to launch an attack on one of India's most valued regions, which is high in Iron!

There are a lack of gifts on the market. That's the short answer, with an impeding war, many citizens health will be reduced to below 50%. This is where I come in. My new gifts company ( is now up and running and is desperately in need of workers so that tomorrow we can sell gifts at a competitive rate, to provide the cheapest gifts on the market. These will be instrumental in winning the war and helping the nation to rebuild it's wellness after the war. If you value your independence, and are a reasonable skill in Production, then sign up for a job! If there are no offers of your skill range, PM with your production level and we can arrange something. We are only a Q1 company, so working will only make you lose one wellness, as opposed to the 3 or 4 you lose when you work for a bigger company.

Please take this job in an hour of need of the Indian people!
Vote this up so others can help!
Work for money, Work for freedom
IndieKid, GM of Legion Enterprises