The Unity Party: Unity Enterprises

Day 526, 05:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear readers,

I am writing this article today to spread the knowledge of a new political based corporation called Unity Enterprises. This is an officially endorsed TUP Corporation created by the party for the party.

How is it run?

The 'owner' of Unity Enterprises is The Unity Party - there are no shares, no individual entity does, can or ever will be able to own Unity Enterprises in any form.

However, a corporation needs leadership and this has been done in such a way as to ensure the best possible running of Unity Enterprises. It is run by mainly the Party Leader at the time so as each Leader passes as does their control of the corporation. However, it is not only the Party Leader that gets to decide things, a new position of Company Director was created within the ranks of The Council Of Unity yesterday. This position is to be appointed by the Party Leader and so Iain Keers gave this opportunity to Squiddy due to his experience both within the political and TUP world but also in the corporate world; as Managing Director of Zycon Industries.

What are our goals?

Our goals are simple. To create jobs; primarily for TUP members, but there are no restrictions as to who can and cannot work at Unity Enterprises, and a source of income for The Unity Party. With a solid source of income, TUP can look forward to a much more promising future, allowing many a posibility to come true. After all, money is what makes the world go round.

Special thanks to the following who have donated and helped make Unity Enterprises what it is today:

John Forseti - 2.5G
Eadie - 10G
Sir Graystar - 23G
wallyboy444 - 8G
Iain Keers - 10G
Squiddy - 9G & £300
Captain Badass - 5G
Stefan1992 - 3G

Not only do we now provide jobs for our party members, we will also help each employee to become better citizens and better politicians. Any questions may be directed to our organisation: The Unity Party - to which any and all questions will be answered as fast as possible.

All new employes receive a welcome message, and will as stated before, be provided with the knowledge and opportunities required to make it big in the eUK.

Just to let you know, we are still looking for 5 more employees in our Q2 Food Company; TUP Cake Shop, selling of course our world famous TUP Cake - the best a man can get.

Thank you all for reading, I hope to see some new applicants soon!


Company Director - Squiddy.