The Unity Party Spring Conference

Day 468, 04:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

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Dear members of The Unity Party

This Thursday, The Unity Party will be opening a conference to redefine and professionalise the party. The Unity Party is the biggest party in Congress, and will soon be the strongest party in the UK.

In these difficult economic times, it is important that the left in the UK can rally around a single banner. The Unity Party will be that banner.

All TUP members are welcome to join us. Policies will be available to browse in our forum and propose if you're inclined. Debate will take place on the private IRC (Chat Room), instructions are on our forums.

The Goals of the Conference are:

1. To write a detailed document, finally putting down in writing who The Unity Party are, our values and what we stand for.
2.To write a manifesto for March, which all members can have input into and upon which all candidates can stand. A manifesto of genuine policy. Activity should be a given, and is for TUP, policy is what we stand on
3.To Restructure the Party, to make us more professional, introduce new positions and a structure to ensure that TUP can cope with the challenges of the new Britain

The Unity Party: Unity is Strength

Iain Keers
Party Whip

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