The Unity Party says: Vote Malta_1990

Day 452, 11:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

This is a strange turn of events. Last month we saw a large number of party members running for the President position. This month however, we have only Malta_1990.

Some moan about the complete lack of choice, begging someone else to run just to allow some variation. Others say it is because there really is only one person for the job. Over at The Unity Party Clubhouse, we can think there is no one better to take the reigns and lead our Party into the future, than Malta_1990.

Malta_1990 has been around a fair while, and has run for Party President several times with strong campaigns, though has always lost out to Squiddy, 3 times Party leader. Last month, when Squiddy made the surprise announcement that he would in fact be running, Malta was found crying in the corner, warbling that he would be dead by the time Squiddy retires.

However, Squiddy has retired, and Malta_1990 is not dead.

There is really only one way to end this article.

Vote Malta_1990, MoIE and Congressman, for Party President, February 2009.

If you don't believe me, read his manifesto.