The Unity Party: Rebuilding for the future

Day 532, 15:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Dear Friends and Supporters

There are ten days left now before the new Party President elections.

We have only a few days left for members to stand forward to lead our great party. Every month candidates stand, and every month the election is contested. For those of you who are new to the party, I need to explain a few things, as incumbant Party President.

1. To have a chance of winning you need to be on the forums
2. If you don't believe that then look at last months elections. I won, John came second and all the non-forum candidates got a total of about 10 votes.
3. When the elections occur, there isn't a system for having manifestos. However candidates normally produce one, so if I were you I'd search for them and read it (usually published in their personal newspapers).

How to get involved in the Unity Party:

1. Join up in the game
2. Sign up on the forums (link at top)
3. Go to the party section and follow the instructions on how to join a party in the forums. This is important as once you're on the forums you can vote on conference, talk to leaders and so on directly.
4. Go to the Council of Unity thread in our forums and sign-up for one of the available positions
5. Once you've done all that and gained some expererience, then you can consider running for Party President.

Why Join in the first place?

Well we're a vibrant party with a strong community atmosphere. A few months ago a bunch of people left us, and since then those who've remained have drawn very close together, almost like a family. New members are cherished and looked after. Don't be afraid to ask if you need advice on wellness or even food. Just PM one of our members and we'll do our best to help you.

We have new policies for every election, as we believe the congress is as important as the President. That's why we always run on a manifesto of policy, and always implement legislation from that policy. The great thing about this is that all our policy decisions are discussed in the private forums, so every single member has the chance to form our policy.

Our congress members are just people, like you and me, so they know when to listen to advice. When we have a decision to make as a Party, be it policy going through the commons, backing a candidate for President or the PP voting on a Lord, we have a thread in the forums dedicated to the issue. The goal is to let ordinary members participate in the debate and influence our leaders.

Join The Unity Party
Build a better Britain

Iain Keers
TUP Leadert