The Unity Party - Not Entirely Lazy

Day 428, 10:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

I have noticed a few comments lately, about The Unity Party not releasing any new policies, or having done anything of any importance lately. The general opinion seems to be, that we are a bunch of lazy cretins. Though this could be considered true for a few party members, most have been heavily involved in Self Improvement. We consider it to be important to have a strong foundation, before we start any heavy work. Reorganisation has been a major theme within the party Clubhouse, and will hopefully help produce a more united TUP.

Whip with a Twist
For us, one of our major concerns, is that the citizens of eUK are properly represented in the House of Commons. With a TUP majority at the moment, it is important that we listen and provide for our constituents.

1. All TUP Congress candidates MUST provide a manifesto. We are not looking for sheep votes. We want people to vote for us because we are the best possible applicant for that position. We want to serve you, and to do that, we must have all our Congressmen, active and on the forums. Any candidate that runs with no manifesto, who can not be removed, shall be publicly denounced prior to the elections.

2. All TUP Congressmen must STAY active. It is all very well winning a place in Commons, and receiving 5Gold, but once there, we want our Congressmen to do something for their community. That means being involved in discussions, voting on every policy, and involving themselves in their community. Every week, The Unity Post will be publishing TUP Congressmen activity statistics. Good congressmen will be rewarded, not so good might find themselves being publicly humiliated.

TUP Council
One of the first things our Party President did upon re-election, was restart The Unity Party Council (renamed The Council of Unity). All Congressmen must be involved in the Council, and the door is open for any Party member who wishes to put forward ideas. The Council will make up the meat of The Unity Party politics, being the force that gets thing done and moves us forward. It will be very much a team effort, and shall hopefully provide some interesting policies in the near future.

Helping Beginners
For a while now, The Unity Party has been very much about helping the young citizens in eUK. We try to put forward a friendly face, and answer any questions that are asked with an unbiased manner. By actively avoiding flame wars and hostile debates, TUP manages to maintain an air approachability, which is often attractive to new players. We hope to continue this in the future.

However it is time to take the next step. With a new Administrative Executive, the work will soon begin on regular wiki updates, and beginner guides. We offer all our support to the MoE's help line project that MoE (StanWephen PCP) and MoI (Malta_1990 TUP) have been discussing for some time.

So keep your eyes open. There is plenty to come in the near future.