The Unity Party encourages the Great Debate

Day 574, 15:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
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Greetings friends,

John Forseti here,

Before I address the subject of this article, please allow me to give my thanks to the members of this party for my second term in office as your party president. Out of 166 votes, 136 were for me, giving me 81.93% of the vote, the highest percentage this year, except for Malta's 100% victory in February, you honour me. Thank you. I hope to see my two opponents make their way onto the UK's national forums and get involved with the rest of us there.

I'd also like to point out that the 166 votes represent a turnout of 41.19% given the previous inactive rate of eRepublik and the eUK this is fantastic, and long may it continue.

Now then...

PEACE in our time?

If there is only one thing that could bring down the administration of President Kumnaa it would probably be his pro-PEACE stance. For most of us in the UK the super alliance has been an enemy, at odds with us and our alliance ATLANTIS' goals. The constant accusations of cheating and the use of political take overs didn't help their image either(Not that ATLANTIS didn't have a go as well). Here in the UK, we don't really like PEACE, and some of our members, as well as others, have made that perfectly clear. However as we all know, ATLANTIS was torn apart by internal conflict when former long-time friend Sweden decided Germany would look good on the mantelpiece and that nothing would stop them.

This has left us in a new situation, we're free. The UK's foreign policy is now more or less completely up to the UK, including the choice of whether to keep it that way, which has various pros and cons, or submit to another alliance, as from the ashes of ATLANTIS, two new alliances seem to be emerging;

FORTIS, a 'trade and defence' alliance with a weighted voting system, possibly holding the 'Western Bloc' of former ATLANTIS members.
EDEN, the 'Eastern Bloc' of ATLANTIS that seemingly don't want us, as no approach or statement has been made.

And there is always PEACE, former enemies yes, but they apparently would welcome us according to the discussions the government has had with them.

This leaves the UK with 3 doable if not exactly desirous choices; Remain non-aligned. Join Fortis. Or join PEACE.

Kumnaa in the second part of his cunning plan pledged that he would ask the public to decide on joining PEACE or not, and today he is giving us a bit more than that;

He has opened public discussion on all of our options and they are under debate right now on the forums, and you too can get involved.

The Great Debate

We encourage all our members and anyone of any affiliation reading this who hasn't already, to get on over to those National Forums, register, read up and get involved in the discussion.

This is going to be the most important decision the UK makes in a long, long time to come, wouldn't you hate to have missed out on it?