The Unity Party Conference is now on

Day 472, 05:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Good afternoon everyone.

Hopefully our party members are subscribing to this newspaper now, so this is just a quick reminder to them that party conference opened last night at 5pm. We are currently discussing and voting on clause one to five of the new Unity Party constitution, which will be a guiding document outlining our beliefs and structure, as well as our policy making process. Once approved by congress we will formulate and publish our manifesto for the next congress elections.

Remember, every member has a right to stand up and make their views known. The debate is in the TUP section of the forums: if you're not registered you'll need to do so, and request access to the private forums. To do that, simply visit HERE click 'register' and register your details. Then PM Malta_1990, our current party president asking for access.

Remember, this is your opportunity to have your voice heard!