The Unity Party backs SaraDroz, UK President

Day 528, 10:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear Friends,

Today Sara Droz has formally announced her candidacy for the leadership of this proud state. The Unity Party has been debating for the last two days about who we should back for this position. Both Hassan and Sara are strong candidates. The Unity Party itself had already decided that we would not be proposing one of our own. After the last month we feel that we need to take a short break to rebuild and consolidate our new membership.

We now bring over four hundred members to the table, and our support can win or lose elections. As our members considered their options, we weighed up the two candidates. Hassan has experience, a strong knowledge of the military and contacts internationally through his position as supreme commander of Atlantis. Sara also has these qualities, but in addition has shown a drive and passion which set her aside for our members

We share many of her dreams and ambitions. She has told us she welcomes our ideas and our support. The Unity Party understands that by working with Sara we gain more than we would by standing back as observers. 69%, more than two thirds of our membership, voted for Sara to be our candidate.

In short, The Unity Party endorses Sara Droz as Prime Minister of the UK