The Unity Party: Ave Kumnaa

Day 559, 12:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Here in the unity party, we remember some good days in the eUK, days much better than the ones we live in today. We remember the days of Malta 1990, when the NHS worked efficiently, the economy continued to pick up and our gold reserves swelled, they weren't perfect days of course, but they were pretty good, especially compared to the hectic month we've just undergone since. We, along with everybody else in the UK, want to see a return to those kinds of days, if not better days! And we're all blessed to see two political goliaths in Kumnaa and JerryGFL able and willing to bring them back to us.

Our own political goliaths, unwilling to run due to real life commitments or other projects, the task fell as to which of these two, if any we would back. Our own leading internal candidate suggesting that we should back Kumnaa, we started there and initially he stormed the vote unanimously, but the strength of Jerry became evident later on, finally settling to Kumnaa holding a supermajority of 67% of our vote. And thus it is today that the unity party salutes Kumnaa and is proud to give him our official endorsement for president of this Kingdom.

Either of these candidates would of course, we all hope, restore the United Kingdom, but in Kumnaa the Unity Party sees someone somewhat kindred, someone whose policies we can broadly agree with, and where we do not there is the possibility of mutual compromise to bring about the best possible balance. This is not the impression we've gathered from the other side, and this game, this eRepublik, is all about teams and cooperation.

The unity party creeps further toward the 500 member mark every day, this means we bring a significant amount of voters to the table, as seen last month, our support can swing elections. I of course, support Kumnaa in this election and the support of most of those who arrived to debate it, which is why I endorse him today, but I still encourage all members of this party, and members of all parties and independents of course, to make up your own mind come election day. Read their pledges and policies, ask them questions, and vote freely come June 5th.

Thankyou friends,
- John Forseti