The Unity Party - Another Good Month

Day 434, 13:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Congress Results

Another Congress election, and another good result for The Unity Party. 136 of you voted for one of our candidates, helping us elect ten TUP Congressmen. Now that they have settled into the House of Commons, we hold a stonking 26% of the seats. This is a slight decrease from last month, but sadly this was inevitable due to the rising power that is MDU, who won 8 seats this term. Though MDU may be cutting into our majority, we still hold the top position, along with UKRP who also won 10 seats this month.

The percentages stand as follows:

UK Reform 26 %
The Unity Party 26 %
People's Communist Party 23 %
Movement for Democratic Unity 21 %
LT-United 2 %

However, the story is a little different on the forums.

Active Congress
All ten of TUP's Congressmen are active on the forum. All ten will be heavily involved in discussion and shaping our nation. Our main contender however, seems to have only five forum active congressmen. This will certainly give us the edge when it come to the House of Commons.

Active Congress Stats at the time they were taken on the 26/01/09, looked a little like this:

TUP - 10
MDU - 8
PCP - 7
UKRP - 5

(Please note that these may have changed by the time of publish. All Party Presidents are encouraging inactive Congressmen onto the forum.)

Meet Your Congressmen
Out of the 14 candidates that stood, the following were elected into power, by you, the public, and so we will be working as hard as they can, to provide a brighter, better eUK.


Teh User
Jacen Molare
Iain Keers

Learn these names. Some are long time politicians, who have been around the block a few times. Others are fresh new faces, bringing fresh ideas to our party. Keep your eyes open, you will be hearing about their endeavours into politics in later issues of The Unity Post.