The UKRP: Communications And Media Is The Key.

Day 607, 08:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

Hello UKRP members,
Just a short article from me today, I would like to take the opportunity to inform everybody in the UKRP about our new media and communications system. The following measures are being put forward by both the media and communications department to further inform and involve UKRP members in the matter of party affairs:

1. Updates in the form of PMs: If you recieve a PM from our Head Of Communications informing you of party decisions and matters: then it is officially endorsed by Craig Rossiter and the rest of the UKRP. If you recieve PM's from anybody other than Archer, LordJustice or Craig Rossiter then it is not officially endorsed by the UKRP and is therefore fake.

2. Regular Informer updates: In Craig Rossiter's manifesto he promised weekly articles in what was then 'The UKRP Mouthpiece' ( this has now been changed to 'The UKRP Informer' ( which is what you are reading now). This has now been replaced by a new and better system where there will be 3-4 articles a week published by various members of the UKRP team. This is to inform UKRP members and familiarise them with the party and its mechanisms.

3. The UKRP submit an article competition! : This is a new initiative being ran by myself, at the Media Department..where any UKRP member can submit an article about the UKRP and what works best for them within it. The winning article shall win a prize of 2GOLD and the title of 'UKRP Journalist Of The Month''. Articles can be subitted by being sent via PM to me ( Frank Furglar) on eRepublik or on the eUK forums.
So get writing!

Frank Furglar,
UKRP Head Of Media