The ugly ducklings of their alliances

Day 1,564, 11:22 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa
Slovenia and Bulgaria. One would think they don't share much in common, but in truth, they do. In the times of Phoenix the countries helped each other with financial loans, to be more precise, Slovenia helped Bulgaria in the times of need when it was under attack - with the means that Bulgarians could rebuild their homeland. And we didn't have to wait long to see them return the favour. When Slovenia's treasury was stolen, they without any hesitations lent us over 300g to help us renew all of the MPPs we had. A truly generous move. I am aiming to point out how every country is fair in its core, even the countries that to a normal eye seem as enemies, but you will surely now ask yourself, why aren't the countries allies then? It was all due to bad luck and the way Phoenix treated Bulgaria, to say the least Serbia decided to act cocky and kick out Bulgarians out of the common alliance without trying to get a compromise regarding the Macedonian conflict. Then Macedonia became close Slovenian ally and in the terms of diplomacy you can't regard an enemy of your friend as an ally, well, except if it's a closely guarded secret.

Times went by and nations spent their "lifehood" in seperate alliances, Bulgaria was happy where it was, meanwhile Slovenia felt left out of ONE, we didn't get invited and had many other internal issues to be worried about. Once the invite came and we joined the alliance, we knew it was somewhat connected to the bad state ONE was in and they simply needed additional damage and possibly some funds to finance its wars. Bulgaria on the other hand faced several conflicts with Turkey as they were trying to approach EDEN and of course Bulgarians were against that.

Then came the era when both countries raised their voices, pointed out on the incorrections being done to them and unfair attitude. Slovenia was regarded from the point of the superpowers just as another country who can be wasted and so was Bulgaria. But there's a difference between our and Bulgarian state, they are a superpower in every point of view, while Slovenians aren't. We possibly have a strong backbone, but we lack numbers, while the old and experienced Bulgarians have that and can turn the tide of the war to their side any time they want.

Both nations were close to leaving their alliances and still are, so this leaves us an open question, is there a possibility there's room for the once parted sides to be reunited again? This could although endanger ties with Macedonians, but once Serbia supports it, everyone supports. That's the rule of the game and Slovenia will without hesitation - I would assume - try to get a former ally back to her side.

Back in the days it wasn't important if a country was called XY in real life, if there was poverty and if there was lack of everything you can think off. What was important was the will to help others. And if I'm right, Bulgarians at the time when they were in Phoenix and lent us their money weren't a superpower, they hadn't yet experienced a baby boom. Another unknown factor is how many stupid fu**s could have joined the game as in every baby boom meanwhile the countries were in different alliances and how could that reflect on the mutual relationship.

What Slovenia and Bulgaria share in common is that they are both ugly ducklings of their alliances. Bulgaria for having issues with Turkey and raising her voice, meanwhile Slovenians for being who it is as always and pointing out the need for changes. An oportunist would say there's a chance for a reunion, a realist would say it's just a matter of time, meanwhile the pessimist would add "when?".

Best regard,
Ice Killa aka Howly