The Turkish Answer to Diplomacy: A Hostile Takeover of All Major Political Parties

Day 325, 08:03 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

This is a call for help to all of the citizens of the eWorld who care about their fellow eMan:

It's official: the Turks no longer want anybody else in eTurkey besides the real deal. In a recent [a url=]article[/a] , BattalGazi instructs his MHC party members to switch parties and vote for the token Turk who stood for party elections. Just when I began to think that the MHC leaders were beginning to open up to me (an outsider who could help them with diplomacy), they pull another snaky move to subvert the political system in eTurkey.

What this all boils down to is that there are two types of Turks here on eRepublik. One is under the mindset that we need to work together in a diplomatic way to create a strong, thriving eTurkey. The other is of the belief that eTurkey should be a place where only RL Turkish citizens can reside, a place which is ethnically pure. I am sorry to say that the recent administration is the latter. The signing of MPPs makes it obvious that Turkey is gearing up for a war against the Jewish population that wishes to gain back Israel. With the current administration, support of eTurkey is the equivalent of supporting genocide. If the MHC are able to take control of all 5 of the major political parties, this is exactly what is going to occur.

We need to be strong against this current administration, but we have been forsaken here in Turkey. Most of our fellow goons have left with reckless abandon to troll the Mexicans and Americans. The Jewish population has their own party. Our numbers are far too small to fight these ethnocentrists. We need your help, and we need it now. If you care about the world and you want to help make a change, please move to eTurkey today and join the ABK. Vote PrincessMedyPi for peace and justice in an increasingly corrupt eTurkey.

Peace and Love,