The Switzerland Today

Day 936, 13:04 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

A Report on Switzerland's Latest

In This Feature...
National Proceedings...
International Events...
Interview with Djordje_ Stojanovic...
Interview with Snowey and the eOlympics...

National Proceedings

On the 10th of June President Clifford Burns proposed a new healthcare plan for the region of Deutschschweiz. The proposal was accepted in Congress, with only one congress member opposing the plan.

After a close campaign, the eOlympic Comittee has announced that the next Olympics will be held in Switzerland. During the official poll, Switzerland beat the United States by a mere one vote, securing their place as host.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arschmann, is actively looking for new ambassadors to other countries. Sign up here, and help Switzerland become recognized on the international playing field!

International Events

Shortly after being wiped off the map by Turkey, Israeli freedom fighters, aided by EDEN and Brolliance troops, successfully freed Israel from all foreign occupation. The Israeli government has a tough job ahead, as both hospitals in Israel were destroyed by the Turkish occupants.

The President of Russia, HankScorpio, attacked three major EDEN countries after Congress proposed an impeachment against him. He also proposed a new citizen message, which Russian congress decided to reject the impeachment.

Interview with Djordje_ Stojanovic

Backgroun😛 Djordje_ Stojanovic is a player who has recently moved to Switzerland. He has become a national figure through his extensive food and gun give-aways. I took the chance to interview him a little bit about his ideas and plans for Switzerland.

When did you come to this country? Why did you choose to live in Switzerland?
I came May 16th to eSwiss and I chose eSwiss because I feel the country is still very young and there are a lot of opportunities to grow, and I think that with my experience and knowledge and also hard work I could make eswiss a better country. I personally love the Swiss and its been my favorite country for a very long time.

I love your idea of giving out free items in your newspaper. What first gave you the idea of food and weapon give outs?
When I was an ebaby i needed a lot of help as far as bread, gifts, and weapons but there was no one to help me, more or less for someone to give me something for free to make my start easier so I decided to help as much as I can and as far as my finances allow me to help those who need the help the most. So if we want ebabies to grow free of problems and difficulties, we need to make more of these actions and support those people who find the time to help others.

I notice that you are running for the Party President of the SLP. What do you hope to accomplish if you win?
One of my dreams and plans is to become an ePresident of the country, not because I will have the title of the president but because i will have the power to better the country and its organizations to deal with the income better, also, create ministry for all sectors and of course find the best and most qualified people in the country to run that organization.

Moreover, one of my other goals is: I'm planning to make an organization to help charity and everyone who needs bread. I have a plan to organize eSwiss military group that will travel around the world when needed. Also i'm planning to make a suggestion to swiss government to seperate the money from their budget and give it out to those who need it the most. I hope the people will recognize my ideas and my hard work for the things that I'm fighting for.

What are your future plans for Switzerland?
For now my outlook for the future is hoping for the best and becoming a party president first before I start any organizations that I've discussed in the previous paragraphs.

I'd like to thank Djordje for taking the time to reply to all my questions. If you like food and weapons, you can view his newspaper here.

Interview with Snowey

Backgroun😛 Snowey is the head of the eOlympic Commitee. As most of you well know, Switzerland has been selected to host the next eOlympics. To get the full report I asked Snowey for an interview.

When did you come up with the idea for the Olympics? What inspired you to create them?
I was sitting down looking at some friend’s picture and I saw the London Olympic stadium and I thought well eRepublik could have one. I went online and check, the old eOlympics had gone off. I posted an Idea and got a good response then I created the games again and now I have support of my home country to do this.

How well did the first eOlympics go? Do you expect the Swiss Olympics to be as successful?
The first eOlympics I thought was going to go bad and nothing would happen but 12 countries joined and I had Governments banging on my eDoor asking for it to be placed in their Country. The eUK had won two gold medals which as their team manager I was happy about. The Swiss eOlympics I have high hopes for. The Swiss support has been great and I already have 5 Countries playing the games and the closing date is the 25th so the Swiss could have a large number of Country’s playing.

How do you plan to promote the Swiss Olympics internationally?
I plan to promote by having adverts around the eWorld and having Newspaper talk about the eOlympics.

Do you expect the eOlympics one day to be a giant eRepublik wide event? In other words, do you have great expectations for this project?
Well as the manager of the site I hope it stays small because it would mean more work for me. Nah I’m joking there, I hope the eOlympics grow to a massive size with all Countries playing and becoming friendlier with each other. Also mass adverts around the world and newspapers always banging on would make me happy knowing I created a good Olympics that works.

Thanks Snowey! I'm glad I got this chance to learn more about the eOlympics. Remember, you can sign up for the Olympics here!