The struggle of the pro-EDEN and pro-Phoenix forces in Austria

Day 906, 00:43 Published in Austria Hungary by Dante Alagherii

The President of Austria wrote an article condemning the pro-Croatian forces that have the majority in the Austrian Congress.

Except for the Phoenix propaganda in the article, he mentioned the minimum wage law that would raise the minimum wage from 1 schilling to 999 schillings. I talked to the guy who proposed this law and he said it was for teh lulz. But more importantly, it was a message to pro-Phoenix forces in Austria that their control of Austria is at an end.

The current President of Austria is the same man that reneged on the deal for Croatia to pass to western Europe a couple of months ago. He's not even RL Austrian and he dares call Croats PTO-ers. Unlike him, the Croats that managed to win a majority of seats in Congress live in Austria in RL.

Let's make something clear here. It's not just the Croats that are pro-EDEN in Austria. Yet, the Phoenix supporters in the Austrian media call all the pro-EDEN forces "Croatian."

The pro-EDEN forces that have the majority in Congress are NOT PTO-ers. The reality of the situation is that there are pro-EDEN and pro-Phoenix forces in Austria. Some RL Austrians are pro-EDEN, while others are pro-Phoenix. There are also a lot of people in eAustria that are not RL Austrian, on both sides.


It wasnt always like this. A couple of months ago things were different in Austria.

Then Austria wasnt pro-Phoenix or pro-EDEN. Instead, it was neutral.

Croatia had a deal at the time with the neutral govt to pass thru Austria to western Europe in exchange for a new hospital and defense system.

Then a new govt was elected that reneged on that deal.

The same people are in control of the presidency now. These are the pro-Phoenix forces in Austria.

Austria has since become embroiled in an EDEN vs Phoenix struggle.

Croats are most numerous in Austria of all the RL Austrian citizens and are thus spearheading the pro-EDEN movement in Austria. This political movement has managed to legitimately win the majority of seats in Congress last month.

The pro-Phoenix forces in Austria have done nothing for the country. Austrian population remains appallingly low. Wages and the country's finances are in a dismal shape under Phoenix tutelage.

The pro-EDEN forces in Austria have a new vision for Austria. They want an Austria that is not a Phoenix satellite. They want an Austria with a real future.

This struggle will continue, and I encourage all citizens to support the pro-EDEN parties.