The Struggle for Belgian Independence

Day 703, 12:49 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

As may or may not have been noticed, today a resistance war erupted in the Belgian province of Flanders, which up to this day has been part of the United Netherlands.

The person who is behind all this goes by the name of Habraka Abrivianius, a Belgian outside of eRepublik as well, and one whom I know a bit back from my time in eGermany. In this article he reveals his reasons for this war, as well as a summary of eBelgian history.

Belgium formed a union with the eNetherlands months ago, and it was one to which both nations consented. It was to strengthen both of them and to shield the sparsely populated Belgium from political takeovers. Recently however, the tides have turned. An influx of primarily French-speaking Belgians came upon the unified state, as can be visibly seen by merely looking at the Dutch press which is not in the country's own language but the universal English. Thus, this union is claimed by the insurgents to have become obsolete, as Belgium has grown strong enough to once again rise as an independent nation which can serve its people's culture, after centuries of separation and Spanish, later Austrian and French influence (in real life) so distinctly different from that of the provinces of the Netherlands.

While I can imagine there are a lot of people suspecting this of being a scheme of EDEN to gain a loyal puppet or something similar, I can assure that the only cause for these happenings are Abrivianius' adhering to his own ideals. For a long time he has envisioned an alliance of neutral states including, for example, the Czech Republic or Ireland, and this is the very same goal fuelling the current events; the new Belgium will remain neutral and not be a marionette of either big alliance, striving for but the interest of the Belgian people themselves.