The Siege of Fort Knox

Day 666, 11:08 Published in USA USA by R3dko

"...Their Fortress of Wealth was surrounded by the hordes of the enemy. One after another the defenders fell, drenching the walls in crimson paint as valuable as what the Fortress held inside. Refusing to abandon the mountain of Gold within, the defenders had one final option..."

This passage from The Book of R3d can only describe the current siege of Fort Knox. As many will know, New Jersey once again recently fell to the forces of the Enemy. Rather than run for Congress as I had been planning, I chose to assist my country as best I could. The safety of my countrymen is more important to me than realizing my own ambitions, which have been put on hold until our nation is once again whole.Today I followed Jewitt's link to purchase Bail Bonds, and to my dismay saw the vile Russian Flag under the name of our Fortress of Wealth.

I have sent a carrier pigeon to the Fort asking if they will accept a donation of two Moving Tickets in order to get the gold of the eUS back to American soil. Even though it may not mean as much in game dynamics, I believe that it would be important for the morale of the eAmerican people to see our American Flag flying high, rather than the abomination of Red White and Blue that is currently held aloft.

Petition your senators to make this happen. My MT's are waiting in hand, ready to go. For the Country!

P.S. -- Vote Libs!