The Sham That Is Our Armed Forces

Day 632, 09:05 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

'Hey wow look at us! Our military is improving, we can TANK THEM TO HELL!'
That may be the case for a select few, but let's look at the situation for normal, hardworking troops such as myself.
I work for the RAF company on a subsidised wage of 10GBP a day, when I could be earning over twice that in a private company, on the agreement that I will be outfitted with weapons to fight with. It's been 19 days. 19 days since I last recieved any weapons, and how many important battles/RWs has the UK been involved in? Lets leave it at lots.

We lost by 100 damage in one battle, and all the while we had over 200 Q2 weapons stored in the RAF company, ready to be given out to troops. Were they? No. Instead, they are being donated to both Collins, who is a prominent figure in the military, and our current president Hassan.
Do either of them work for the RAF company? No.
And whilst we are on the issue of military spending, we should take a look at this And see that our dear PM, who was once teased as the MoD for being weaker than his paratroopers, is now a FM. Of course, this may be because of the money donated to him by his dear friend RoadRunnerSpeed, who famously took the government to ransom and stole vast amounts of the countries gold.
It seems to me that high up officials in the British administration take what money they want and delagate it to a few fortunate people. Some will say that I am writing this article because I am bitter, want to hit back at the government etc, and that is exactly what I am doing. People work for their weapons, and don't recieve them, whilst those who do not work in government owned companies.

So I would like to ask for the weapons I'm due, because I'm due a good few, or the 190GBP lost from wages. And I'd like to see that applied to each and every hard working citizen cheated out of their money and their labour by the UK Armed Forces.
Disgruntled UK Citizen and RAF Soldier