The SAIL Manifesto

Day 345, 23:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

The SAIL Manifesto:

Common Sense Over Party Politics

SAIL's Political Outlook - SAIL, comprising of both the Free Africa (FA) parties and the Black Lion Front (BLF) encompasses a wide range of political view points. We have active and intelligent members of the center-right of the political spectrum all the way to the far-left. We debate current issues and events vigorously on our private external forum. Between our wide-ranging viewpoints it is assured that the solution to our current crises has been seen from all angles and is suitable for everyone. We are a democratic and intelligent coalition. We do not blindly follow the will of some supreme leader as CAU does with Sucko. We have dropped all particular political and social considerations form our two parties and instead concentrate on a united effort and Common Sense solutions to our nation's problems. A solution from SAIL is a solution for the whole of South Africa.

Neutrality - SAIL is fully committed to maintaining the political and military neutrality of South Africa. We have enough problems at home currently without getting ourselves involved in needless alliances and wars that would threaten our sovereignty. We must concentrate on perfecting the South African nation, both politically and economically, before we think of effectively fighting abroad. There will be a day when South Africa rises to the top of the international stage but today is not that day. We've a journey ahead of us.

There has been much talk from Sucko and CAU about joining outside military alliances and SAIL strongly opposes this initiative. Joining these outside alliances brings essentially no benefits to SA and would only serve to threaten us militarily and economically. There is little to be gained by siding with ATLANTIS or PEACE and much to be lost. SA Simply cannot afford another disastrous war and CAU apparently has yet to realize this.

The Armed Forces - The effective size of our armed forces has shrunk considerably with the population loss we've experienced after the switch to v1. To boot, our remaining ACTIVE forces are not as well trained as they should be. Our average strength is 2.47 which is not awful but could certainly use some improvement in order to make us an effective fighting force. Also, we have no paratrooper forces to respond quickly to international events requiring our intervention. While SAIL supports SA's neutrality we also recognize the need to maintain an effective fighting force. Speak softly and carry a big stick, as it were. Therefore, SAIL stands firmly behind both an incentive program for soldiers and the formation of a paratroopers force. The incentive program will reward players who consistently train and help to offset the cost of regaining lost wellness. This program is NOT intended to bea replacement for a full time job but will be a limited payment leveraged against the current cost of Food and Gifts since training soldiers will need to buy more of these to keep up their wellness. A paratroopers core will also ensure we have an effective fighting force if needed and assure that South Africa's borders are well defended.

Economy - Our economy is, of course, in some trouble. It is effectively in a recession and this was more or less expected by us before the move to V1. We lost a lot of players to the move and therefore there is overproduction as a result. While the "invisible hand" of our market-based economy will inevitably let the strong companies survive and "kill off" the weaker ones, we feel this is simply too harsh of a policy. It will create monopolies in certain industries, will ruin the fortunes of valuable players and business owners, and leave many workers without jobs. We feel it is the duty of the South African government to offer restructuring and relief programs to ailing companies. We should assist them not by offering free handouts, of course, but by utilizing the new Reserve Bank to merge companies, restructure salaries and employee sheets, and offer guidance for staying afloat in these troubled times. Restructuring employees into effective Cooperative units is a strong idea that can also benefit our economy and provide needed jobs to low-skilled workers.

The Diamond Industry - Nationalization of the Diamond Industry is not a current SAIL ambition. We do feel strongly, however, that this rare and precious resource is to be protected and not pillaged by foreign companies and we should strive to maintain a balanced economy and work to not have the
profitable diamond industry take over the bulk of our exports. We must not allow our export market to become a "singe crop" market. We need balance and fairness here. There is some fear that the Diamond Industry may lure away workers from other sectors and dry up our already fragile work force. Working to find a bilateral consensus on how to address this issue is essential and CAU must be willing to work with FA and BLF to come up with a solution. The inability to secure our national resources from ruthless exploitation may be our final economic downfall.

The Lack of High Quality Companies - There is somewhat of a lack of high quality companies in South Africa. This is to be expected because we are, after all, a low-population country. However, once our population begins to rise, one of the keys to our economic success will lie with upgrading and maintaining Q3,4, and 5 companies. One of SAIL's initiatives is to encourage the Reserve Bank to offer special loans and incentives to companies wishing to upgrade to the higher quality levels. Likewise, we will offer incentives and financial assistance in financing export licenses for said companies so that we may export our high-quality products internationally and bring in more wealth and prosperity to our country. This investment is going to be essential to the continued growth and prosperity of our economy in the long term. Without it, we will be mired in stagnation soon after we've pulled ourselves out of our recession.

Closing Statements - SAIL's strong commitment to peace, neutrality, justice, and common-sense government will assure the stability and sovereignty of South Africa. Our members are the most experienced, most intelligent, active, and most mature in the whole of South Africa. SA will have unbridled success and prosperity with a unified SAIL government at the helm instead of the months upon months of hardships, humiliation, and useless political infighting we've been experiencing with the CAU oligarchy occupying our beloved nation. The Road to freedom has been a long and treacherous one for South Africa. At this point I think we can finally say that the end is in sight. But to reach our destination we must continue to put aside our differences and unify together for the sake of our motherland. Common Sense government is the only approach that makes sense during these troubled times and SAIL needs your vote on election day.