The Sadness Of Eternal Work

Day 1,519, 01:24 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

eRepublik Game Article by Saphire109

There I was, working my life as usual in my companies. Then one day I said to myself. "I'm tired.. Why do I work so hard?" I looked around the room and picked up a calculator. It's going to take me 50 days to pay back my investments in eRepublik. Hmm. 50 days... At 75 clicks per day maybe I could have fun running outside.. Maybe walking the dog instead of clicking. Hmm.

So I went outside and walked the dog and sat back down. Okay, just 75 to go now.. I picked up my coffee mug and started to sip a bit. It was burning hot but I didn't mind. After all 50 days to pay back my investments was not a bad idea after all. But.. What about the new people in erepublik? What about my friends? Don't they need help? I can acknowledge some of them are genuinely greedy whereas some really DO need help. I tapped the table with a pen trying to figure out what I was going to do. I was scheduled to break 300,000 in only 50 days. Then reinvest and grow and grow. But---to what end might I ask?
Again I tried to conclude to myself this was a simulation game and I was learning about business. But should we not also as decent beings help our fellow men?..even in a game people deserve help... Should we not also care about those who are new? I looked at my remaining funds after yesterday's massive expansion of buildings.. 38k, not much but it might help some people. Maybe 1k per person, that's 38 people I can help. So today, and for the future out of the goodness of my heart. My venture turns away from only profit and into social work as well. Of course I will have to expand to help more people. And maybe keep a little of the income to eat some bread in eRepublik --but that's it. Now it would of course be an imbalance to work so hard and keep nothing.. We must help if we can.. In fact, all we can, but we must be not be impoverished through our help. So today I call upon a new line of thought. That of continued growth and social work. To help others. If you need help just let me know. I will study your case and if I see it fit, I'll send you some funds.

Yours truly,