The Rise and Rise of The Unity Party

Day 524, 05:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Dear Friends,

First of all I want to thank all of those who voted in the recent elections. It was one of the toughest and closest elections in recent history, and the fact that twelve of our members were still elected is indicative of the strength of our candidates. To those who didn't win, there is always next month, and we always have positions within the party which need filling. We'd also like to unveil the updated Party logo, which is much shinier than the old one, courtesy of Sir Graystar.

Secondly, I want to comment on something which may have gone unnoticed during the election period. Less than a month ago we celebrated overtaking the PCP and hitting three hundred members. Now we have hit 400 members, and are still rising. Our target now has to be 500 members before the 15th of May. It seems an impossible task, but it isn't. Friends, go out into your communities, and show people what the Unity Party can achieve by working together. Speak to your friends, your workmates, your bosses, your fellow soldiers. Speak to each other. The Unity Party has been growing by 1/5 every ten days for the last month, and that is for a good reason.

Now we begin the task of implementing our manifesto. Last term two major pieces of legislation emerged from our manifesto, and two from Malta's. We want to take that as the benchmark, and try and top it. To view what we do, join the forums and go to public discussion, or the private party forums section.

Well done again 🙂

Iain Keers
Party Leader