The return of the Takarakuji

Day 675, 16:07 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

It's Friday and the Takarakuji is here once again!

The last winner was: Sophia Forrester - Number 28
How much he won: 163 JPY +a Q2 house
She invested quite a bit in weaponry before winning the lottery, so the prize was a welcome addition to her purse! She donated a house to be used this draw, so look forward to that.

The next draw starts now. Tickets are 3 JPY and can be bought more than once to boost your chances. The winner will be announced next Friday at 13:00 server time on #eJapan - the lucky person shall be chosen at random through a numbr generator and will receive a massive 80% of ticket revenue! The remaining 20% will be donated to the National Bank of Japan.
This is your chance to win big!

The relevant forum thread can be found here:

*The reason the lottery has been postponed so much is because of the recent nation-wide financial exhaustion.

How to buy a Ticket
To buy a ticket, you just need to donate 3 JPY to Takarakuji Lottery. If you donate 9 JPY, it will equate to 3 tickets and so on.