The Redcoats are Coming!

Day 800, 10:36 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

The redcoats aren't coming, the bluecoats are!!!! Prepare to die treacherous fools!!!

Now, instead of writing a lengthy article that could be done by PiginZen, or Josh Frost, or the POTUS Jewitt, amongst hundreds of other fantastic writers (If you weren't mentioned here, you are allowed to advertise for your paper in the comments section, but only this ONCE!),

I have decided to leave you with this educational video:

Watch Video Here

Note: This clip was from a show in the 1970's called "All in the Family". It was a very highly controversial show that pushed the boundaries of what you couldn't/can say on television. It is highly criticized even though it brought up important issues. The main character (old guy named Archie, is very blunt to say the least). These views do not represent every eUS citizen's views. Also, this is meant to be a joke, although homosexuality is a sensitive issue, please take this lightheartedly.

Marcus Patterson

Edit: Link will not work 😕...just copy and past it, i apologize.