The Real World: Introduction

Day 807, 18:34 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom

Above: Ciel Phantom making his first appearance as the Austrian Prince in Vienna, Austria.

The Real Worl😛 Introduction

Greetings to all,

This article will not be as lengthy as my previous articles as this is just a brief explanation to an upcoming short story published by me, of course. This article will feature the purpose of making such a thing like this. and what style of writing it will feature. But, I shall first start off by of course, stating what "The Real World" is.

The Real World

The Real World is eRepublik come to life, the eRepublik events will be put into a story, from one character's point of view, that character of course being Ciel Phantom. This was thought up so that there could be less brainstorming for articles. Now, the best way to explain this is a one paragraph sample. This sample will be from a random character's point of view. So, here it is:

It was precisely 9:13 PM when Jacob Black woke up to the sounds of German Howitzers storming Irish cities. Being an army general, Jacob Black quickly took hold of his lugar and rushed to defend Dublin, Ireland. Jacob had reached the battle field in a matter of minutes and quickly loaded five seven rounds and began firing at the invaders (rounds = number of fights). After hearing the announcement made by the Irish President, Edana Savage, troops quickly rushed back to their headquarters.

*That shows a current event : German vs Ireland (If it were to happen in eRepublik that is, but then again, this is just a sample)
*Shows number of fights and etc
*eRepublik events put into a story


1.One of the main purposes of this is to offer eAustria citizens more media to view in a different format which proves to make an article more interesting.

2.This is basically the new way for me to release articles in eAustria, ensuring that I can produce interesting articles while at the same time keeping them short and nice. All my updates and announcements will be included so please, continue to follow up on my articles


*eRepublik Persons
*Actual eRepublik events

Thanks for reading!

Ciel Phantom
Prince of eAustria